Marine life is an important part of the ecosystem. It is being destroyed
for various human needs,mainly food.We have to do our part in
keeping our sea's and oceans clean. We have seen many videos in which
turtles, fishes and many other marine animals have been suffering due to
consumtion of plastic. We all should be responsible citizens of
Mother Earth. You can follow simple things that will help the
marrine life. Some of them are listed below.
The above are a few very basic things you can do to keep the oceans clean.
More ways to save the oceans
At home
Conserve water: use less water, this way excess water does not turn into
waste water and runoff into the water bodies.
Reduce pollutants: Improper dipose of chemicals is not good for the
marine life, thus chose non-toxic chemicals for house hold and dispose
them properly.
- Reduce toxic/plastic waste: cut down on what you throw away.
In the surroundings
Shop wisely: Choose sustainable seafood. Buy less items with plastic
covering and use reusable bags instead.
Reduce vehicle pollution: Use fuel efficient vehicles, or ride a
bicycle. This way you will reduce chemical reactions in the clouds,
which cause acid rain and all this water will get into the water bodies,
due to which the marine life is affected.
On the water
Fish responsibly:Follow'catch and release'practices and
keep the marine habitat healthy with fish.
Practice safe boating: Anchor in sandy areas far away from coral reefs
and sea grasses.
Click here to know more about Sustainable fishing
By Nikhila